Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pressure for Perfection

I just watched a show called 'Dr Phil' this morning. This is really an interesting show. 
Dr. Phil McGraw has galvanized millions of people to "get real" about their own behavior and create more positive lives. Dr. Phil uses his “get real” approach to help guests solve their problems by stripping away their emotional clutter, and providing them with the tools they need to move confidently ahead in their lives. 

Today the show was about ' Pressure for perfection', a mum who wants her 10 years old daughter to become a baton twirling champion, makes her to practice 2 hours a day and spent more than $15,000 on costumes. However, the true behind isn't her daughter wants to become baton twirling champion but her mums wants. The mum cannot make her dream come true when she was young so she wants her daughter to do it for her. That is really not fair...Whether it’s in school, sports or hobbies, all parents want their children to succeed. But can a competitive spirit go too far?

I know that nowadays there are many parents want their children to become successful either in sports, hobbies or school. However, they never think that whether their children want to be or not. I feel really sad sometimes. While I was living in Malaysia, I saw a lots of parents sending their kids to tuition centre after school, sending them to learn piano, drawing or other hobbies /sports. I understand that the parents want their kids to be multi tasks and be talented. However, they have never thought or asked if their kids want to do it. Sometimes I can feel the kids are not happy about what their parents have arranged for them, but they don't dare to say 'NO' to their parents. How sad it is! I feel so lucky that my parents never force me to do anything except I want to. 

What I want to say to those parents is if you really love your children, you should talk to your children and understand what they like and what they want, instead of forcing them to do what you want! 

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