Saturday, March 14, 2009

Indoor Photo Shooting!

Today, we went to a friend's house to do indoor portrait photography. He has a homemade studio ready and with a more powerful power lighting from a friend.

The model is called Allyson Ooi. We planned to start the photo shooting at 9:30am, however, due to some reasons, we started at 11am in the end. haha...anyway, It was quite interesting! There were total 5 photographers shooting for one model. My hubby was one of them......As for me, I am only the supporting member. :-)
To be honest, I don't know how Allyson felt as she had to pose in front of 5

Testing only with casual wear. It seemed that the model had got ready!

Model got changed to a black dress. Look at the

Trying to shoot the wild look...what do you think?

More Relaxing pose, model was lying on the sofa....

Do you want to see the photos after being processed? Here you go! These photos were taken and edited by my hubby. xixi....

Angelyn & me, 'the supporting members'. Photo taken while the model went to get changed. haha...

The shooting was finally ended at around 1:30pm.

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