Friday, November 21, 2008

How to Care for your Makeup Brushes

Many women especially with oily skin who often notice the traces of inflammation appear on their face don't suspect they keep infecting their face skin with their makeup brushes, provoking new rashes. That's because makeup brushes are easy to build up and accumulate dust and dirt quickly. That's why regular care for your brushes is so important and helps make your makeup brushes last longer.

Here are some tips how to care of your makeup brushes:
  1. Use any soft shampoo or liquid soap to wash your brushes once every week if you use it everyday, if not, you can wash it once every 2 weeks.
  2. Pour warm water into your palm, add some mild shampoo or liquid soap, make foam and wash the brush. Then rinse the brush with water until the water runs clear.
  3. Gently squeeze your brush and let it dry in a standing position.
One thing has to remember, DO NOT ever let anybody use your makeup brushes. It's not hygienic.

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