Saturday, September 12, 2009

Online Shopping!

Recently, I have fallen in love with online shopping! haha...My pocket is almost empty now!

I don't know if you have noticed that ‘online shopping’ is getting popular nowadays. ‘City People’ are busy with their work, a visit to a conventional retail store requires travel and must take place during business hours, and they don’t really have this kind of time to do so. Whereas, online stores are usually available 24 hours a day, so those busy people can enjoy shopping at office or home. Of course, online shopping is also for those 'Lazy People' who like to stay at home and not willing to go out to shop.

I think shopping online is a wonderful thing, you have a wider choice of goods, you have an almost unlimited supply of sellers, and you can find even the most obscure item for sale. Unfortunately, online shopping also has its drawbacks, you can't see the product in person, you can’t try it to see if it fits you, and sometimes it's hard to tell if you're getting the best price and if you can trust the seller. :-(

Although I love shopping online, there are a few things I won’t buy it online, such as, shoes, electronics devices, skin care products etc. As everyone should know that the return policy for shop online is very troublesome. When I shop online, I will only choose those trustable sellers, because they will provide quality products that surely satisfy my fussy need! Hoho….of course, sometimes I also will get some unsatisfied products but I don’t really bother to return it back (not to mention the reason here).

I am really a shopaholic, this is no doubt! I admit it. whenever I feel down or happy, I love to go shopping. Shopping makes me relieve tension or stress, shopping can make me happier. Of course make sure you have enough money on your bank account before you shop!

My warmest advice: try to avoid using your credit card to shop, spend what you have got in your pocket! :p Enjoy shopping online, friends!

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