Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ingolf’s Kneipe German Bar and Restaurant

Today, after a visit to the Tropical Spice Garden, my hubby and I went to Ingolf’s Kneipe German Bar and Restaurant for lunch. This restaurant is situated along Jalan Sungai Kelian, off the main Jalan Tanjong Bungah.

When we arrived at the restaurant, it was full of people and we had to wait for a while to get a table. Actually, this restaurant is not very big, so it has limited seating. Prior reservation is advised if you would like to try next time.

Julian's Chef Salad, Strips of Cheese, Ham, Chicken and Egg served on a bed of Lettuce, Carnished with tomatoes and cucumbers. Topped with a slice of Cripy, Grilled Bacon, Garlic Bread.

This was my meal 'One Pork sausage with German Style Sauerkraut', the German Sausage is really nice, yummy!

My hubby ordered 'Homemade German Porkpattie ', Grilled Minced Porkpattie served with black peppercorn sauce, mashed potatoes, salad carnish.

Honestly, the food there were nice, but I really have no comment on the waitperson's service as it was disappointed me today!!! I don't know what reason for that, they served better to those westerner. Anyway, since they didn't charge us the service charge, so I should not be so care about their service. haha.....but I won't pay them tips lor! xixi.......

Apart from the bad waitperson's service, I think the environment of this restaurant is quite relaxed and cozy, it is a good place to hand out with friends at the weekend. The German style decoration and feeling (Music, bar,etc..) makes this restaurant quite different compare to others. A lot of people especially foreigners love to go there, chit chat or have some beer at the bar.

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